
laxmi poly Industries


Laxmi Poly Industries is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company. Since its inception, the company has established a reputation for itself as a supplier of quality products. Laxmi Poly Industries focus on quality in every action they commit leading total customer satisfaction, both in the products offered and in the service that follows.

“We have systematic approach to Quality assurance and quality management System. Every error, problem within or at client end is noted and followed up for its cause and the cause is eliminated at source, promising consistent improvement of quality in products people and processes. “ – Director

LPI team pays attention to details at every stage of operations starting from Raw material (fiber) purchase and testing to production stages to final packaging and dispatch. Standard Quality Parameters are set for every operation and testing is done on every batch to ensure that no low quality products makes to the next stage.

The final quality testing is stringent and rigorous, promising that the product performs as specified at client end.